
i gotta a sweet one...

yes...i am talking about my husband:) Ya'll our 1st anniversary is tomorrow and I can't believe it!! It's already been a year!?! It's flown by in so many ways...and I'm so thankful to have such a godly man partner with me everyday the way he does. He sent me these gorgeous flowers yesterday.
He didn't tell me he was sending flowers, he just said expect someone around lunch, so I took that as "people are coming to visit" and I quickly cleaned up the apartment for about two hours...and then after waiting another two hours for this mystery person (i was hoping it would be my mom:), at 1 a nice old man knocks on the door and hands me some flowers;) Haha....oh well, at least the house was clean for a while and i have pretty flowers! It's been tough the last few days because Sam has been away at a conference in Ohio since Wednesday and i have been here, just me and Samson. Sam should be home soon though!


a weekend in white

This weekend we decided to take a trip up to Knoxville, TN to visit Sam's Granddad and his wife Mrs. Nancy. I wasn't too excited about the five hour drive up there, but as soon as we got there, I was so glad we came. Minus feeling like we had stepped back into the 70's (seriously, I don't think anything has been redone since the 1970's), we had a great time. Sam's Granddad is hilarious and Mrs. Nancy, although, in her later years, acts like she just got out of college. She is a hoot, and so much fun to be around! Other than a pretty bad cold for me, we had a lot of fun visiting with everyone. We were even awaken to this beautiful site on Saturday morning...I was mesmerized:)

snow was piled up on the car about two or three inches.
some very pretty leaves covered in the snow.
the front yard all covered in pretty white snow.
looking over the fence into the back of the yard.
sam gearing up to throw a snow ball at me.

sam's lovely snowman creation.
yes...i was there too.

Granddad Kingsley is not in the least bit intimidated by the cold weather.

two great guys.
Me and the hubby.

More pictures to come. The snowman story is one to share. Fortunately Sam walked away without a broken back.


Thank you....

Sadly, I woke up this morning and it didn't even dawn on me until about 10, after watching the news for an hour that today is Veteran's day. To be honest, it's one of those holidays that has more often than I'd like to admit, passed me by with out that much thought. But today is different after what happened at Fort Hood last week. I still don't understand why people do these kinds of things...and in the name of "God"? Well, can I just say that my God, the God of Israel, is the Prince of Peace, and Author of Life, not an advocator of cold-blooded massacres. What's even worse to me is that our country has stooped to being so "politically correct" these days they can't even call this what it is: terrorism, period. Not PTSD, or PRE-PTSD, or "I was picked on as an adult" syndrome, (grrrrh, the sound of sheer annoyance). Can we please be sensical adults here and call it what it is, as aweful as it is, and not let it happen again.

I am so thankful for parents who have taught me to appreciate our soldiers, and for my mom, who never lets one out her sight without very intentionally thanking them for their service to our country. I remember several years ago thinking, "Mom, can you stop walking up to strangers...you're kind of embarrassing me." Now, I can't sit close to a solider, or even be in the same room with them without thanking them for their service. It's crazy the joy I get out of just thanking them, and they are so kind in their responses, "Ma'am it's an honor, thank you."
So, thank you to all those brave men and women who put their lives on the line so that we can live freely and safely, and even express our thoughts on little blogs like these. You are the true heroes.


raman noodles & market

Apparently I missed the memo about raman noodles. yeah...my sister's been eating them for years, Sam's been eating them for years
and I just started eating them about a month ago. They are FABULOUS, i mean, fabulous for what you're getting. I love the "beef" flavor, it's
my favorite, but I can't really judge because I've only had the "beef."

Well...i'm off to Atlanta tonight to visit this wonderful, peaceful place called the merchandise mart....haha. I wish it was wonderful and
peaceful. It's about the most overwhelming thing you could possibly do in the realm of shopping. Take a normal mall, and magnify it by like 10 times
and then add about 100 people every 25 sq feet. Yeah I think that's pretty close to market... but hey, it's just 3 days. ha

I'm also floating whether to do a half marathon in april?....hhmmm. I have a theory about why I hesitate to do new things...

I shall explain later. off to Atlanta now.


we actually forgot....

I was sitting outside last night writing in my journal, thinking about the all the things that have been going on lately...and it dawned on me that Sam and I totally forgot about our 10 month anniversary on Tuesday. I know that it might not seem like a big deal compared to someone celebrating 10 years, but for us newly weds, the months are still what I count and they are big deal to me. thank you. Anyway, I was a little sad because it was the first time that I actually skipped an entire day and half before remembering. As long we don't forget the big 1 year, I think i'll be ok. haha.

Pictures were promised from the fun weekend with the family. So here are some...I can't believe we had so many people in our small little place at one time!

Talking with the Brown's and Allie and Bjorn. There were also 4 dogs in the apartment too!

The night before, Sam and I joined my parents for Austin's football game outside of B'ham.
They are just so cute!....

Mom, let's be twins for Halloween? haha

The crazy birthday cake I had made for Sam, Dad, and Mark. It was a laugh.
I don't know how, but I snapped a picture of all 4 dogs napping. Sadie is in the couch somewhere. Rudy maned his perch on the chair the whole weekend. It was a site to see.


the whirlwind is over...

I didn't think this weekend would be over so fast but it is....My family and Sam's family came up to visit this weekend to celebrate my dad's birthday, Sam's dad's birthday, and Sam's birthday, all within a few days of each other next weekend. So, I thought to myself...why not make a party out of it! And we did...my parents and brothers were coming up to b'ham anyway because Austin had a football game (which might I add, he played amazing!) on Friday night. Then Allie, Bjorn, Mark, Lynette, and Eileen came down on Saturday and stayed until this morning. We had so much fun just hanging out as a family all together... and it was so neat to see (almost) everyone together again since the wedding back in December. I'm still amazed at how fast the time has flown by!

Another special thing that we celebrated this weekend was Sam's Baptism this morning. Even though he was "baptized" as a baby, our church takes a big stand on encouraging every believer to follow through in "believer's baptism." The way that Brookhills does baptism is so special, as they invited family and friends to gather around the baptismal pool and have a close up look at the significance of what is being said and done. I'm so proud of Sam.... to see and learn more of the Lord is working and changing his life in the last few years is really amazing to me, and challenges me to want to live more the glory of God. (I have to admit, I've had to remind myself that "getting baptized" doesn't make the Lord loves us anymore than He already does. And it doesn't make us more "holy" either, but I know that God is so blessed by our obedience to follow him in public acknowledgement of who he is in our lives, by following the example set by His own Son.)

Needless to say, after all the family and dogs ( we had four dogs at one time our tiny apartment) had left this afternoon, I was about to pass out.... 3 hours later, we woke up and realized we had slept the afternoon away. But I'm not complaining.... sometimes you just need a little sleep!

So, the weekend overall was such an enjoyment, and the last month or so of working hard to get the new apartment in shape really paid off.... I'll have pictures soon.

All for now!


unto the least...

I haven't been updating this blog in a while....Life has been a little crazy the last few weeks, and in between moving, traveling and more traveling, it's been hard to find a few minutes to write a little bit...I know. That's sad on my part.

Sam and I celebrated our 9 month anniversary on Sunday! We can't believe that it's gone by this fast! We've learned so much over the past year, just about each other and how it really takes team work to keep a marriage going. More than anything, we can see how the Lord has blessed us over the last 9 months, in the jobs he's giving us, and in the people He has placed in our lives.

This past Sunday, our Pastor David Platt was teaching out James 1 and 2, and about what "true and faultless" religion is: caring for orphans and widows in their distress. The past couple of days since then I've really been thinking about, and what that would look like in our lives.

Last night, Sam told me we where going to a park to help a small group feed the homeless....and even though on the outside I didn't protest, inside I was a little more than nervous. Not because I didn't want too, but because I was reminded of just how far I really never get out of my "comfort zone." And putting me in a park with a bunch of people I don't know and that could potentially be a little cooky is very much "out of my comfort zone."

But....we went anyway.... And after I got past the awkwardness (and the cops that pulled up on the grass to make sure no one was causing problems), I found that each of these people, as dirty and smelly as they are, is just like each of us. They are loved infinitely by the Living God just as much as us. And they have stories...and some are very sad to hear. We met some old men and woman by the names, of "Willie," "Mr. R," "Dale," "Faith," and "Tony."

They are real people, sadly in a very tough situation, and for an hour or so, we were able to just sit and listen to them.

I'm still trying to take in everything that I think God is trying to show me through this..... But needless to say, it was something that you walk away from a little bit different than
when you got there.


packing & birthdays!

After two weeks away from my nest, I finally got back on Friday to an apartment full of boxes, and very large dog. My sweet husband was still at work, which was a little disappointing, but he made it back pretty fast. We had a such a good weekend, even though all we did really was pack our place and paint the walls we mistakenly decided to paint when we first moved in....

We went to the real movie theaters and saw "The Time Travelor's Wife," which let me say was very good! I thought it might be a little cheasy, and then be terribly embarassed that I dragged my husband to such a chic flick, but he said that he enjoyed it too!

My mom asked if we were going to miss the place. To be honest, i'm a little sad, but more ready to move on and have a washer and dryer, and a dishwasher! I think Sam and I have really learned that those little modern conveniences are really worth it. I mean our laundry piles up for weeks at time, because we don't have a full 3-4 hours to spend at the laundry mat watching our clothes wash. So, washer and dryer here we come!

I'm so thankful also for how the Lord just up and provided this new place for us. At first I was a little disappointed that we would not be getting a house, but I feel confident that renting for now is what we need to do. But, this place is considerably cheaper than where we are now, and it has a w & d connections, and a dishwasher! Plus new carpets and new laminate hardwood floors....I have to mention that b/c the kitchen is definitely not updated, but I'll take it anyway.

Anyway...back to work. Oh! I almost forgot! Samson's 3 years old today! Actually, to be honest, Sam and I completely made his birthday up b/c we technically don't know when the big guy was born....but we don't care! Happy Birthday Samson!


Can I get some rest please?

Don't you just wish sometimes that you could just check out, and like take a day or two off for no reason at all, other than just to spend your time sleeping and recouping from life, or in my case, four weekends of traveling non-stop? I know most people go on vacations, but it doesn't seem like that will be happening anytime soon, so, can I please just take a break?....

(for example it's taken me a two weeks to just write this post.)

I'm done complaining....I know that the Lord provides rest for those who come to Him and allow Him to provide it. I think that's been a struggle of mine lately....really allowing myself to rest in the Lord. Why? I honestly don't know....but it's been frustrating, and I'm beginning to understand that my lack of heart rest has resulted in more unrest. Does anybody feel the same way?

I know there'll be these times in life where the days are a blur and you shuffle through to make it the next day just to repeat it over again. But I long for those other days, when it seems that time stands a little more still, and you can actually take things in.

So, I guess i'm telling myself, cheer up? and to all of you who might feel the same....be encouraged. Our God is much bigger than our little tired bodies.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
-Matt. 11:28


The "fever"

I’ve been trying to ignore it…but, I have to admit, it’s hit me: the baby fever. Is that bad that I already have it, and we’ve only been married a little shy of 8 months? I have a feeling that it has to do in large part to the fact that almost my entire small group of ten couples is either pregnant or has just had a baby. Literally, I think there are 3 of us that aren’t pregnant and w/o a child. Not to mention the fact that my boss is pregnant, my sister-in-law is pregnant, and I just found out the one of my other friends is also pregnant! Talk about a baby boom!

 I’m sorry to vent, but the past two weeks have been really tough, especially after going to small group. I mean I’ve left in tears, thinking, “where do I fit in with all these girls, and how do I learn to relate to them?” I love the fact that they are older, and wiser, but it’s hard to be so new in a marriage, and have so many people around you that are two years ahead of where you are. But, then I have to remember that the Lord has purpose for me where we are for the time being. I just tend to let that slip out of my memory to often than not.

When I really think about it, I can’t believe how crazy silly I’m being….I mean come on? A BABY!?! You see I’m not thinking about all the morning sickness, crying, eventual late night feedings, sleepless nights, dirty diapers, etc., etc. Nope, I just think about how fun it would be to watch my body grow, and feel a little person in side kicking around, and then cuddling with the little thing all day long while nursery songs play in the background……

 HAHAHAHA….I can imagine all you mothers are laughing at how naïve I am!Really…I know. It’s pretty ridiculous. So, I’ve decided to keep praying about this fever and trust the Lord will help to “go away” for a least another year or so. In the meantime, Sam and I have really talked about how I can use my energy to be better at what the Lord has gifted me to do….while I have the free time to do it!

So….that’s what I’m going to try to focus on…but I know this fever is not something that goes away overnight. Anybody got any crazy difficult kids they want to let me have for a night? That would probably cure me, for a little while!


Samson has a girlfriend

Yes...he's found her. Zoe, a 13 month old spotted Great Dane. They met at the park this afternoon, and I promise it was love at first smell (sight).  I didn't have my camera, but I did take a quick phone video to capture the two love birds frolicking around. I wish I could've taken her home, but the owner probably wouldn't have gone for that:)


The last month in pictures:)

I just looked at the last time I blogged, it was a month ago....sorry! So, I wanted to catch up with some pictures over the last few weeks. BTY, today is our 7 month anniversary!! This first year is flying by!! So a couple of weeks ago, we went to Atlanta to help Sam's parents move down from Connecticut....it's so great to have them closer by!

Samson is smiling for the camera. As you can tell he likes to be right in the center of things.

Sam's sweet mom in the kitchen cooking dinner for us. I love their new kitchen....it's fabulous!

Eileen visiting with Samson. 

Sam did a lot of this.....even though his mother said not too...haha.

Sam's two little ladies.

Samson was sacked out on the way back to Birmingham. He got up on the seat and somehow figured out how to lay down. So sweet....

Two days before the fourth of July, I went to Auburn to help Allie finish her room. (I have so much fun doing this kind of design stuff.) So, I ran some errands with her to get a better idea of what she likes, and then after she left, I spent Friday cleaning things up, and putting the finishing touches on. The best part is that I surprised her with newly painted bathroom, decor, and all.....and she loved it! I'm really glad I stayed late to do that because she is so busy right now with school and studying. Take a look!

She loves pictures and painting of flowers!

The newly finished room!

Her newly painted bathroom! She was floored!

This month has a been busy, but so blessed! I'm going to try to be a little more consistent with the posting. 


6 fingers for 6 months

That's right...6 fingers for 6 months...! Saturday was our 6 month anniversary.! Already? I can't believe that it's gone by this fast. It seems like we've been through a lot in the last 6 months: getting married, living together, a new place, new jobs, a new dog, and most recently a new car... all in the past half of 2009. There's been so many good days, and a good bit of bad ones to go along with those good ones. But the thing I love most about being married so far is that he is with me through all of those days, good and bad. I thought he was an amazing boyfriend, fiance, so I had high hopes for the husband role, and he has exceeded them ten fold. He is an amazing, godly husband....and I am so blessed to be his wife. 

Well we couldn't pass up the day without making a bigger deal than normal about our "6 month anniversary." So, we thought about going to the zoo, but the huge storm that hit Friday night nixed that idea, so we decided to go see "UP" the movie at the real theaters (usually we go to the dollar theater:) and they gave us these really cool 3-D glasses to wear during the movie. 
It was actually a great movie with a sweet story line of a couple that met when they were little pretending to be explorers, got married with every intention of exploring, but ended up just living a normal life. And to Elle, the girl, that was her great "adventure." They were in love though, to the very end....and it made me think...no matter what adventure the Lord takes us on, my hope is that we will be like Elle and Carl...together in every way until the end.

On a lighter note, Sam took me to dinner at this really nice restaurant down the street from us (he caught on to my little comment about wanting to go there earlier in the week, he's so good!). And we had a great dinner and time to talk and toast to the first 6 months. I just had to include these pictures because I made the mistake of tasting his dessert liquor! YUCK! It smelt like fingernail polish remover!  He somehow persuaded me to take a sip!

My faces say it all here! (FYI: it's very hard to type when your hubby wants to use one of your arms as pillow...) Back to the faces! There I am in all my glory! Those have to be two of the worst faces I've ever made. 

So...over all we had a great half year anniversary day....I'm so thankful for the past 6 months, and we both are looking forward to the next!


you just never know...

You just never know what kind of impact you have someone's life sometimes until later. I got this package in the mail a few days from one of the students I taught English to in Chengdu, China two summers ago. Her name is Alyssa, and she's probably about 16 now. She is such a sweet girl, and I remember our talks in her broken english so well.  She wrote me the sweetest letter on the box. 
this is what it said
the package slip above.....with all the manderin writing....

the beautiful handmade cross-stitched pillow of a bride and groom...
 with the inscription: "Happy Wedding Forever love." How neat it was to open a gift from so far away from someone I knew for only 5 weeks. What a neat thing it is to think that God must have used me somehow in the life of this little girl to make a difference. My prayer is that it will be an eternal one....


do dah day...in pictures!

I have been a terribly inconsistent blogger lately, I must sadly admit. However, I at least have a valid excuse: I HAVE A JOB! Yes finally, a purposeful, challenging occupation. I work with Moxii, a small Interior Design company that specializes in student interiors, i.e. dorms. So the 9-5 hours have been keeping me very busy, and spending time with the husband after work has taken priority, not to forget our big baby Samson, who begs for attention all the time. 

We did have an exciting weekend about two weeks when the annual "Do dah day" came to Caldwell park, the park closest to us. For those of you who aren't familiar with this crazy day, it consists of basically a few key things: a couple parks, some bands, hundreds of people, and even more dogs, of all shapes and sizes. It is a sight to see. (I must also add that I'm very proud of Sam, who gets very nervous around just a few dogs with Samson, braved the park full of dogs with no outward signs of a panic attack and no need for medication. haha) 

We had a great time....here's some pictures:

     the dog park

Samson and Sam

Me with Blue, a HUGE 180 lbs Great Dane

Blue and Six, the GREAT Great Danes

    Samson with his friend Isaiah, who was also huge

Fun times for all...can't wait for next year!


Dogs and Parks

Looking at this picture, you would think that it was the end of a perfect day, just relaxing on the couch, my 153 lbs Great Dane resting so sweetly in my lap. However, it was quite the opposite. 

I took Samson to the dog park near our place Wednesday afternoon like I've done several times before, just to get out and socialize with the other dogs. He seems to like it, as he's learning to play with other dogs quite smaller than him. So, he was playing with his friends for a good twenty minutes, and then all of the sudden I hear these loud growls and a squeal from another dog. I turned around to see Samson biting this other dog!! I was frantic and immediately ran over there with about 8 or 9 other people to get the dogs lose, and I tied Samson up. I couldn't believe that had just happened?!? Samson is NOT an aggressive dog. I wouldn't have him if he was like that; he could take ME down. So, as my head was spinning, I ran over to see the other dog, Buddy, and assess the damage, and it was bad. Samson had left 2 large puncture wounds in Buddy's neck, and they were both bleeding pretty bad. Buddy's owner took him to the emergency vet clinic, and after he left, I just stood there shell-shocked. I started crying, and the other pet owners tried to console me. "It is a dog-park," they said, "it happens every now and then, don't worry about it." They actually told me that Buddy tried to hump Samson and that that may have been what set him off. I was a relieved to hear that, but still so frazzled that Samson bit that other dog!

I had offered to pay the vet bill, which fortunately, isn't going to be but about $150 thanks to a vet friend who stapled Buddy up almost for free. I just don't want people thinking that Samson is a bad dog, because he's NOT! So...I say all this to explain the real emotions that are behind this sweet little picture. I think Samson knew that I was not happy with him after we got home from the park, and for the first time since we've had him, he got his entire body up on the couch with me and put his head in my lap.....after that it was kind of hard to be mad at him anymore! Fortunately, the other dog is doing fine, although with a few extra staples,  and was already back at the dog park the day after the incident. 

Hopefully we won't run into another problem with humping dogs!