
The New Addition: Samson!

                                             Before our walk in Auburn.
     He's got such a sweet face!

This is the newest addition to the Brown house/apartment in Birmingham. You might say he looks kind of like a small horse, but he's not! His name is Samson, and he is a 2 yr old Great Dane that we adopted from one of my Interior Design professor from Auburn. Her and her husband found this sweet dog at his previous owner's house, emaciated, and malnourished because he was not being fed anymore. How sad! 

We are picking up Samson this Sunday on my birthday, wa-hoo! I'm so excited! I've been getting the apartment "dog-ified" as Sam likes to call it, making sure that Samson won't knock off any vases or crystal sitting out in our place.  

I almost don't know what to think, i've never gotten my/our own dog before! I know that a Great Dane is kind of a big one to start off with, but I love big dogs. He's already 160 lbs and should fill out a little bit more, but hopefully he won't get much better. I took him for a walk yesterday when I passed through Auburn, and he did amazing! It was almost effortless to walk him on a leash, and when other dogs barked at him, he didn't make a sound!! 
So, with all this said, I think Samson is going to be a great addition to our lives, and can't wait to get him to B'ham!