Don't you just wish sometimes that you could just check out, and like take a day or two off for no reason at all, other than just to spend your time sleeping and recouping from life, or in my case, four weekends of traveling non-stop? I know most people go on vacations, but it doesn't seem like that will be happening anytime soon, so, can I please just take a break?....
(for example it's taken me a two weeks to just write this post.)
I'm done complaining....I know that the Lord provides rest for those who come to Him and allow Him to provide it. I think that's been a struggle of mine lately....really allowing myself to rest in the Lord. Why? I honestly don't know....but it's been frustrating, and I'm beginning to understand that my lack of heart rest has resulted in more unrest. Does anybody feel the same way?
I know there'll be these times in life where the days are a blur and you shuffle through to make it the next day just to repeat it over again. But I long for those other days, when it seems that time stands a little more still, and you can actually take things in.
So, I guess i'm telling myself, cheer up? and to all of you who might feel the encouraged. Our God is much bigger than our little tired bodies.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
-Matt. 11:28
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