
unto the least...

I haven't been updating this blog in a while....Life has been a little crazy the last few weeks, and in between moving, traveling and more traveling, it's been hard to find a few minutes to write a little bit...I know. That's sad on my part.

Sam and I celebrated our 9 month anniversary on Sunday! We can't believe that it's gone by this fast! We've learned so much over the past year, just about each other and how it really takes team work to keep a marriage going. More than anything, we can see how the Lord has blessed us over the last 9 months, in the jobs he's giving us, and in the people He has placed in our lives.

This past Sunday, our Pastor David Platt was teaching out James 1 and 2, and about what "true and faultless" religion is: caring for orphans and widows in their distress. The past couple of days since then I've really been thinking about, and what that would look like in our lives.

Last night, Sam told me we where going to a park to help a small group feed the homeless....and even though on the outside I didn't protest, inside I was a little more than nervous. Not because I didn't want too, but because I was reminded of just how far I really never get out of my "comfort zone." And putting me in a park with a bunch of people I don't know and that could potentially be a little cooky is very much "out of my comfort zone."

But....we went anyway.... And after I got past the awkwardness (and the cops that pulled up on the grass to make sure no one was causing problems), I found that each of these people, as dirty and smelly as they are, is just like each of us. They are loved infinitely by the Living God just as much as us. And they have stories...and some are very sad to hear. We met some old men and woman by the names, of "Willie," "Mr. R," "Dale," "Faith," and "Tony."

They are real people, sadly in a very tough situation, and for an hour or so, we were able to just sit and listen to them.

I'm still trying to take in everything that I think God is trying to show me through this..... But needless to say, it was something that you walk away from a little bit different than
when you got there.

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