
i gotta a sweet one...

yes...i am talking about my husband:) Ya'll our 1st anniversary is tomorrow and I can't believe it!! It's already been a year!?! It's flown by in so many ways...and I'm so thankful to have such a godly man partner with me everyday the way he does. He sent me these gorgeous flowers yesterday.
He didn't tell me he was sending flowers, he just said expect someone around lunch, so I took that as "people are coming to visit" and I quickly cleaned up the apartment for about two hours...and then after waiting another two hours for this mystery person (i was hoping it would be my mom:), at 1 a nice old man knocks on the door and hands me some flowers;) Haha....oh well, at least the house was clean for a while and i have pretty flowers! It's been tough the last few days because Sam has been away at a conference in Ohio since Wednesday and i have been here, just me and Samson. Sam should be home soon though!

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