Sadly, I woke up this morning and it didn't even dawn on me until about 10, after watching the news for an hour that today is Veteran's day. To be honest, it's one of those holidays that has more often than I'd like to admit, passed me by with out that much thought. But today is different after what happened at Fort Hood last week. I still don't understand why people do these kinds of things...and in the name of "God"? Well, can I just say that my God, the God of Israel, is the Prince of Peace, and Author of Life, not an advocator of cold-blooded massacres. What's even worse to me is that our country has stooped to being so "politically correct" these days they can't even call this what it is: terrorism, period. Not PTSD, or PRE-PTSD, or "I was picked on as an adult" syndrome, (grrrrh, the sound of sheer annoyance). Can we please be sensical adults here and call it what it is, as aweful as it is, and not let it happen again.
I am so thankful for parents who have taught me to appreciate our soldiers, and for my mom, who never lets one out her sight without very intentionally thanking them for their service to our country. I remember several years ago thinking, "Mom, can you stop walking up to're kind of embarrassing me." Now, I can't sit close to a solider, or even be in the same room with them without thanking them for their service. It's crazy the joy I get out of just thanking them, and they are so kind in their responses, "Ma'am it's an honor, thank you."
So, thank you to all those brave men and women who put their lives on the line so that we can live freely and safely, and even express our thoughts on little blogs like these. You are the true heroes.
I am so thankful for parents who have taught me to appreciate our soldiers, and for my mom, who never lets one out her sight without very intentionally thanking them for their service to our country. I remember several years ago thinking, "Mom, can you stop walking up to're kind of embarrassing me." Now, I can't sit close to a solider, or even be in the same room with them without thanking them for their service. It's crazy the joy I get out of just thanking them, and they are so kind in their responses, "Ma'am it's an honor, thank you."
So, thank you to all those brave men and women who put their lives on the line so that we can live freely and safely, and even express our thoughts on little blogs like these. You are the true heroes.