We are picking up Samson this Sunday on my birthday, wa-hoo! I'm so excited! I've been getting the apartment "dog-ified" as Sam likes to call it, making sure that Samson won't knock off any vases or crystal sitting out in our place.
I almost don't know what to think, i've never gotten my/our own dog before! I know that a Great Dane is kind of a big one to start off with, but I love big dogs. He's already 160 lbs and should fill out a little bit more, but hopefully he won't get much better. I took him for a walk yesterday when I passed through Auburn, and he did amazing! It was almost effortless to walk him on a leash, and when other dogs barked at him, he didn't make a sound!!
So, with all this said, I think Samson is going to be a great addition to our lives, and can't wait to get him to B'ham!